WRITTEN BY:THE BIZ EDITORthebiz4040@gmail.comNovel (n): a narrative of considerable length and complexity, portraying characters and dealing especially with human experience through a connected sequence of events Novel (adj): Strikingly new, unusual, or different, especially in conception or style; original and of a kind not seen before He is not just “
a product of the ghetto,” he’s one of the most intricate lyricists on the rise today. Up and coming artist
Novel definitely has a special story to tell. His EP,
I am...Future Black President, displays an extreme level of confidence that is clearly expressed through his opening track, I Am.
Novel definitely knows what he wants; success and a fine “
Sista” to support him as he reaches the top. With his soulful and melodic sound,
Novel can soothe and excite the ears of anyone listening in. And with the magnificent Talib Kweli backing him up, he cannot fail. He is “
not a dream” or a “fantasy,” he’s real and he is here to leave us all with a great book to read.
Visit him at: www.myspace.com/novel
I am...Future Black PresidentP.S.
Are you a concert lover? I found these links so check out some of the latest here:
Fleetwood Mac3 Doors DownNickelbackJackson 5 Reunion TourElton John & Billy Joel