Well my friends, count down to T-Day has begun. I'm telling ya, I just love fall and allll the holidays that go along with it. Thanksgiving is always so much fun—it's kinda hard to go wrong with good friends and good food, isn't it? It also means that we are getting THAT MUCH CLOSER to December which just blows my mind! Where has this year gone, people??
OK, so on to this weeks links! This is a rather random mish mash of things, my little mix tape of links. But these are the things that have been catching my eye this week.

As a fan of moody, old timey looking portraits, this painting by Marion Peck had me cracking up. I'd love to see it hanging over a fireplace in an ornate frame!!
Get your own print HERE.

If you are a Tim Burton fan and anywhere near NYC,
this exhibit at MoMA is a must! For those of us who are too far away, the lovely
Gala Darling was at the opening celebration and took some really fun photos.
I love clever things and this one is pretty darn cute. Ad agency Y&R/Bankok
created these awesome ice cream bars for their client, Colgate. When you're done eating it, the "stick" transforms into a toothbrush that reminds you to brush your teeth after eating. Sweet!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, my friend Tracy over at the glorious Shutterbean (seriously, AMAZING recipes and yumtastic photos to go along with 'em) hooked me up with some DEElishus looking recipes. The brussel sprouts look really damn tasty. If you're not a fan of brussel sprouts then I maintain you have never had 'em done propa. A bad brussel is bitter and not too tasty, true, but done right they can be soooo amazing! She also has me eyeing these pumpkin parfaits. Mmmm.
Find it all HERE.

Oh ho! Those crafty Tokyo designers have been taking their cute pills again. Leave it to the Japanese to find a way to
make something as mundane as a bar code make you smile. And yes, they are functioning bar codes!

A house smiles in Brooklyn. Photographer Dan Witz took these great shots of this home on Meeker between N. Henry and Humboldt. (As an aside, his last name means joke in German....hmmm). Pretty cute, no?
See more of his work HERE.
And finally, check out this pretty amazing video. One wall. 5 Years of Grafitti. And Serge Gainsbourg. Cool.

Have an amazing weekend my friends. *mwuah!*