Thursday, February 25, 2010

Modern Embroidery Paula Sanz Caballero

I'm always intrigued when people put a fresh sprin on a traditional medium. Like embroidery. You might remember my post from a while back on awesome artist Megan Whitmarsh. (If you missed it you HAVE to check out her work....teensy little embroidered canvases with wee images of big foot and KISS! Amazing!) Spanish artist Paula Sanz Caballero is another incredible talent who uses textiles and embroidery to put an utterly modern (and stylish) twist on her work. It's almost like a fashion illustration come to life. Take a gander and you'll see what I mean!

Here's a closeup so you can see the detail. I mean honestly...I'm so impressed. Can you imagine how much time it must take to make one of these? Really cool!

Thank you to everyone for indulging me yesterday and voting for Wolfie!