Friday, April 16, 2010


Oh my goodness peeps....this blog is having a birthday today!!!! How crazy is that? In some ways I feel like it should be much older, and then it seems like time has flown by. Thank you all so much for all the love, support and sweet words! Together we have looked at tons of pretty pictures, met boatloads of inspiring artists and photographers, poured over arty fashion spreads, drooled over vintage clothing, reminisced with vintage snap shots, read vintage children's books, and traded perfume tips. You guys even came out in full force to vote for Wolfie for that crazy Cutest Kid Contest. I was so incredibly touched. (By the way, he was vote #3 out of 4,000 kids and we're headin' to LA next weekend for the big shin dig. BANANAS!!)

You guys are truly the coolest readers out there! Thanks for hanging tough even while I had to abandon the Lemonade Stand for Modern Kiddo and for indulging me in my silly outfit posts! But mostly thanks for simply showing up. You all mean the world to me!

PS and thanks to this crazy blog I now appear on the front page if you google search "Goofy Grape." Nice.