Happy Monday everyone. Did you have a good weekend? I hope so! We had a bit of a slow one. My little man Wolfie came down with pneumonia—poor little bunny. We spent a lot of quality time on the couch, cuddlin' and taking it easy. Poor Greg didn't have the most action-packed Father's Day so we have promised to give him a raincheck.
To start the week out I thought I'd share with you some amazing vintage print ads I've collected (that's e-collected...i have a bunch of vintage mags, but these aren't from them!). The ladies are always so put together and yet there is always some quirky-weird twist: psychedelic graphics, bold colors, cool fonts, roast turkeys. Oh ho....just you wait!
Hmmm, perhaps I should start a weekly theme called "Hot Strawberry"??
Images: To see an amazing collection of vintage ads, including lots of these, be sure to check out the brilliant Flickr stream from sugarpie honeybunch.