Um.....OK. So I'm not sure when you last looked at old school Halloween masks, but shut mah mouth because some of these are positively terrifying!!! The cheap plastic only adds to the appeal. Of course I still love 'em all. And they're miles better than Scream. We'll start out with some of my faves. Look at this motley crue. Each kid is better than the next:
i confess, my heart belongs to the little stressed out Planet of the Apes guy on the end though.
The Snoopy. Hee. Not sure what's happening with the faceless Mr. Skelly.
These cute lil cowpokes are from 1951. I love that you can see her little dress in the reflection of the mirror. So sweet!
Here are the same happy kidlets one year later:
I’m amazed at this nonchalant baby:
If this kid showed up at my door step I’d run screaming. I can't imagine anything more terrifying! Oh wait, that's because this little creeper cutie hadn't showed up yet:
This poor child is like a Tretchikoff painting on acid. 1954.
I can't stop starring at and giggling at this next child:
This poor girl….looks like a classic victim of the dreaded, “It’s too cold out there, you wear a coat under that costume or you’ll catch your death of cold!” I always hated when mom made us wear our coats under our costumes.
This next one kills me too. Devils in Flannel Granny NIghties.
OK, check out the wig on the little nurse. Hee.
I love this one. What child decided that they want to be George Washington? So cute.
And finally, my favorite of the bunch:
The Colonel Sanders girl? I mean....c'mon now. I can't wait for Halloween this year. How about you??
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