Highly influenced by the Japanese billion-dollar comic industry Manga, anime characters usually have really big eyes, disproportionate body with fairly big head, cute faces with exaggerated face expressions and so on. If you are an Anime fan, spotting an Anime character is really a no-brainer. This week, we’d like to show you some of the really beautiful Anime wallpaper we’ve found on the Internet. Now, even if you are not much of a fan, we encourage you to take a look, you may like them!
From Ashes | Lifeissimple
Bleach | Mcsearcher
Dragon Lady | Wallpapergate
Candy Dreams | wallpaperdojo
Sin X | Ragnarok-guide
Tres Marias | Stuffheaven
Helsing | Animeph
Chun Li | Audioshocker
Anime Girl | Wallpaperstop
Rozen Maiden | WinterFall
Samurai X | Kaverna
Trigun | Gilles Nuytens
Yellow Goddesses | Pcwallpapers
Dragon Ball | Scarabee974
Last Samurai | Derlaine8
Ninja Girl Ko | Arman21282
Berserk | Wizmaster
Jigoku Shoujo | Ningen
Kristine | Gumgum
Elfen Lied | Volvagia89
Year of the Tiger | Hebus
One Piece | Leimuoro
Gaara | Anime Corporation
50.cal | Hellfishj
Red Anime | Pcwallpapers
Full Metal Panic | Animecutie
Trinity Blood | Animeonly
Social Media Suicide | Blaberize
Sexy Girl | Desktopnexus
Madobe Nanami | Desktopnexus
Kanojo Tachi | Desktopnexus
Anime Student | Desktopnexus
Queens Blade 14 Crystals | Desktopnexus
My Group | Desktopnexus
Naruto Crew | Desktopnexus
With the Wind | Theotaku
Music Girl | Theotaku
Splattered Tunes | Theotaku
Anbu Sasuke: Under the Moonlig | Theotaku
Bring It! | Theotaku
Eat Me | Theotaku
Anime Love | LinkaIstheShit
Boulevard of Broken Dreams | Theotaku
ROCK IT | Theotaku
Fleur du Mal | Theotaku
The End | Theotaku
Angel Night Moon | Theotaku
Furu Furu Moon | Nattoli
True Tears in the Autumn | Nattoli
Chu x Chu Idol | Nattoli
Akata Itsuki’s Sword Girl | Nattoli
Ulquiorra in the Sands | Nattoli
Gunslinger Girl: At the Plaza | Nattoli
This Ugly and Beautiful World | Nattoli
Samurai Girl | Nattoli
Posing at the Beach | Nattoli
Saber Lily | Kazasou
Cool Rukia Kuchiki | Flash-Screen