Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday Red, White and Blues

Another long weekend has come and gone. Waaah! It's always too short, isn't it? We had a great time visiting our friends in Fresno ("Fresno??"). Yes, Fresno. It was insanely hot (109 anyone? I knew we weren't in SF anymore when it was 103 degrees at 7:30 at night....), but we had such a good time. Our friends' live on a cool cul de sac and they always have a big neighborhood party—bouncy house, BBQ, cakewalk, sno cones and lots of fireworks. All the kids decorate their scooters and bikes with streamers and have a little parade around the park. It's really fun and  charming. One little girl has this tricked out pink Barbie corvette car that is soooo over the top. It's hilarious. Wolfie was intrigued. I'm more of a Mini Cooper girl myself (not the most practical, but i still pine for one...). How was your weekend??