Tuesday, September 8, 2009

California Girl.

What a lovely weekend this was. Blue skies, great friends, white wine sangria and a drive to the beach (not in that order, of course). We also did a little business around the house. We started things out by painting our front door. It was orange but peeling in spots from where we taped Welcome signs and Happy Birthday messages (OK, fine. I admit we used interior paint on the damn thing, not realizing that there was a good reason they made EXTERIOR paint). We scraped off the old and painted on the new. It's now more of a red and extremely cheery.

Then we hit the road and high tailed it to Stinson Beach in Marin. To you non-Californians I should clarify that the water up here is pretty freezing and most people don't really do "the beach" (unless you're a surfer or doing a bonfire dealie at night—which can be gorgeous). The hot and sunny beaches that most people think of when they think California are down south. We do, however, have amazingly GORGEOUS scenery up here. The redwoods make the coast simply stunning.

That sky wasn't altered, people. It really was that blue. Incredible. I forget how gorgeous California is sometimes. Wolfie hasn't been out to the beach that much and he had a blast. At one point he looked at me, grinning, and said "Mommy I LOVE the beach. I'm having the best day ever!"

Our pants were soaked and sandy but there were smiles all around.
How was your weekend?