Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Welcome to Kindergarten my sweet pea.

This is Wolfie, the best little boy in the world! Impossibly sweet, kind, loving, a silly joker and giggler....and now a KINDERGARTENER!

A few weeks ago Wolfie graduated from preschool. It was such a bittersweet day. We're excited for him to move on and learn, but his school was such a lovely little place we'll really miss everyone.

This Monday, Wolfie started kindergarten. He was a total trooper and my heart was bursting with pride. He was so brave and serious, with his new backpack on his little wee shoulders!

Please note mommy with bags under her eyes. I'm a night owl and now with our new schedule I have to be up much earlier. Oy!

This was Wolfie on the playground lining up before the morning bell...one minute extremely serious, the next grinning with excitement.

Lucky for me, his teacher let the parents loiter around that first day and observe and help. Wolfie is a mama's boy but he wasn't clingy at all—he was so independent, soaking it all in and nary a tear in sight! I admit I was fighting them back myself.

Sitting with him at his little table is a girl named Sophia, a girl named Sierra and boy named Turtle (no lie—hey, this is California). He and Sophia bonded instantly when he realized she was drawing a picture of Mario (as in Super Mario). They both eyed each other, impressed, like "Oh ho, so you know Mario too??"

He looks so serious here, but within moments of these photos he was excitedly raising his hand and volunteering answers and singing (his teacher plays the ukalele every morning, how cute is that?). The best was when they started talking about time—Wolfie said, "I go to bed at 8:30 every night." Short pause. "But sometimes I go to bed at ELEVEN O'CLOCK! That's VERY late!!" Thanks child....but for the record, that's only on vacations!!

It sounds silly but as a parent you worry that they will make friends, that they'll feel comfortable, and of course that they'll do well. He and his best friends were the head honchos in preschool (all the younger kids looked up to them) and I just wanted him to still have that confidence. I'm sort of astounded at how smoothly he has made the transition. He came home today and said "Mommy I played with new people. Benjamin asked me to be his friend, and I said OK!"

I think he's going to do just fine.
Wolfie, I love you.