Friday, November 6, 2009

Presents are my bag, baby.

Perhaps you remember my quest for this awesome Orla Kiely bag? It's a super cute bag and though a little pricey, seemed fun and useful and something I could schlep all my stuff around in for ages. I was torn between two colors (treated like a fool....lalalala. A little Mary MacGregor 70s sap rock anyone?) and you kind folks even voted to help me chose. The problem was, the bag is discontinued and hard as hell to find. Well last month was my 8 year wedding anniversary and look what my super adorable (and style savvy) hubs bought me!!!

Awww, how cute is that? The super cute, lemon yellow Orla Kiely button bag. Weeee! He read my post and hunted this bag down. I was sooo touched by his sweetness and thought it was genius that he had read Strawberry Lemonade for ideas. Yay! Except....well....except he didn't really read that closely or he would have seen that....

I already posted about how, after massive web sleuthing, I found and bought myself the red bag as a treat for slaving so hard at work. EEP!!!! It was like the Gift of the Magi or something. I think we truly bought that last two bags of these kind for sale out there. I hadn't had a chance to show him the red bag, which had arrived the day before and as I opened up his amazingly sweet and thoughtful prezzie I kind of gulped. Like, do I pretend I never got the red one? Do I sell it? Hide it under the bed?? Waaah.

Being the good little George Washington that I am, however, I couldn't tell a lie. I had to come clean and show it to him. Greg thought it was pretty hilarious but immediately said, "Um, you know you can't keep them both right?" *sigh* I know, I know. I decided to let Wolfie pick the winning color, because I honestly couldn't decide. The yellow was so sunshiney and sweet, but the red felt more "me". And so the winning bag (drum roll please):

I love it. And I love Greg for getting it for me. He has always been one of the most thoughtful, awesome present-givers in the whole wide world. He's a keeper, that Greg.

The beautiful yellow Orla bag will being going up on ebay if any of you lovely readers have a hankerin'. It's truly lovely and so pretty.