Tuesday, November 24, 2009

THANKGIVING Retro Roundup.

Oooh la la. Tis nearly time for ze bird. I"m super excited because I have Wed-Fri off. Whoo hoo. What is everyone up to? Have you decided what to cook? Are you staying home or going to someone elses house? I'm in charge of mashed potaters and a dessert. I'm also trying to think of a yummy pre-dinner cocktail to make. Anyone have any ideas or recommendations? I'm going to try and squeeze in one more posts before T-Day my lovelies but then I'm gonna take a the weekend off! I hope you all have a super relaxing and fabulous holiday.

This video is extremely bizarro because the person set it to old Twilight Zone "spooky" music, but it's worth a look for the lady's beehive alone! You'll see what I mean.

XOXO, alex