Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Going Back to Cali.

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a happy happy holiday. I sure did. Thanks for all the kind messages too. The whole fam is now back from Michigan, which truly was a Winter Wonderland of snow. We had a really terrific time, but now I'm holed up in California with one nasty cold. Fever, cough, sore throat, the works! I'm going to lay low for a few days, cuddled up on the couch with a mug of hot lemony tea and a good book. BUT! I'm also thinking this is the perfect time to get caught up on all my favorite blogs—not to mention discover some new ones. Did you lay off the computer for the holidays or were you one of those who couldn't resist? Help a sick girl out and leave me a lil comment telling me to swing by yer world to check out your latest! (aka if you ever felt shy about shameless promotion, this is your chance! Promote away!!)

I have lots more photos to share, but here are just a few from the last blustery day we spent. There really is nothing pertier than the snow covered lakeside.

That last photo should have been a "before" and "after" shot. The Mega Pout is because I had just said, "Wolfie....don't you throw that snow ball at mama!!" Two seconds (and one mischievous grin) later, I got nailed with a powdery snowball! The photo of Greg and Wolfie with the sled is actually the lake, frozen over. Amazing it freezes solid! OK Team, shoot me some links please! I hope you're having a great holiday, those of you who still have time off. Now, I have a hot date with my book and that cuppa tea.
