Friday, December 18, 2009

Lights and Plastic Flowers.

I work in downtown San Francisco (you may remember the little photo tour of my walk to work I did a while back) and whenever I take a moment from hustlin' and bustlin' I always admire how pretty my city is. During the holidays, my walk is always so much more festive—by the time I leave it's dark outside and all the stores are lit up. Our store windows aren't nearly as exciting as the ones in New York, but it's still fun.

I stumbled upon these, erm...."big balls" the other day while walking back from a lunch date with the faboo Miss Tracy from Shutterbean. I'm kind of a shawty anyway, but these really make me look teensy. I actually took the cable car from my office down to the Ferry Building to meet her (which I NEVER do! Funny how we locals never take advantage of them and you can hop on with any bus pass...). We had a terrific lunch and I gotta say nothing beats a cable car ride on a crisp "winter" day.

This tree is near my office and it looks SOOOOOO pretty come twilight. They wrapped the hell out of every strand with little jewel colored red lights and it's gorgeous. This photo really doesn't do it justice.

Come evening, the storefronts are all glowing with lights. Most are really pretty, but I gotta tell ya the WORST is the Prada store. Like seriously, they made NO effort. And what's with the crazy frizzle hair dos on the models this season? The mannequins look so jank-tastic, you wouldn't believe it. But let's not think about them....let's just take a stroll through Union Square and check out some of the fancy shops.

Macy's always partners with the SPCA during the holidays and there are are always the cutest kitties and puppies in their windows...soooo tempting. I think that xmas "kitty tree" is pretty great.

And finally, let me complete this hodgepodge of photos with a blurry snap shot of me getting ready for our company holiday party last weekend. It was loads of fun—and always nice to get to hang with work friends out of the office. I have to admit I was sort of pooped and at one point thought, "I should prolly get going..." and then the music got REALLY good and I ended up dancing til the wee hours! It also helped that I sneakily brought a pair of flats with me and changed out of my sassy heels when I decided to shake a leg. I missed two really fun parties that friends threw (one the previous weekend and one the same weekend—sorry Kelly and Steph!!!) so it was nice to finally be able to get dolled up! Do you guys have any party plans this season? I like having people over, but since we're getting ready to head off to Michigan (brrrr!) we're not hosting anything this year.

(My silver glittery hairpiece was actually a 99 cent flower from Michaels Crafts—it stayed in all night and I think people thought it was something far fancier! Go Michaels...)