Friday, July 17, 2009

Hello Camp Freckles!

So the adorable jenny over at Frecklewonder wrote the sweetest post about me and Strawberry Lemonade. I just wanted to say a big HOWDY DOO to those of you who clicked on over from Jenny's site. It's nice to have ya over here and I hope you stick around!

Jenny and I are old pals—we met on eBay believe it or not. I happened to stumbled upon a genius listing she had made for "1970s bell bottom booty pants" and she stumbled upon a listing for some "space age silver t-straps" I was selling....and the rest was history! (she bought the shoes, I decided to forgo the pants!) We both used to model our own vintage clothes (I must brag and say that we were definitely among the first to do this on ebay, now people are SUPER fancy and stage full on photo shoots!). Anyway, here we are in one of my silly dresses. Lord I look so much younger and THINNER!! waaaah.

She really is one of my favorite people ever, so spunky, funny, smart and adorable. We actually even met a few months after Wolfie was born. She and one of her friends came out to visit and stayed with us. I remember Greg picked them up from the airport rather late (their flight had been delayed) and because I was still a sleep deprived phool I was in bed when they got to our house. The next morning I was making coffee and Jenny came into the kitchen and we just stood there giggling at each other like "WOW! It's really person!" It's so funny with online friendships....through blogs and Flickrs you see these people every day and begin to feel like you KNOW them. Meeting her was so lovely. This was from that visit!

Look how little Wolfie is!!!! Be sure to swing on over to Jenny's blog and check out the cuteness that is frecklewonder.