Friday, July 31, 2009

Style Files: Casual Friday Crazy Pattern

Aw yeah, it's FRIDAY people! I'm so happy. It's been a nutty week and I'm looking forward to a little relaxin this weekend. Oh yeah, here are the deets:

+ Vintage Dress, possibly thrifted or from a little shop (i can't remember!!)
+ Gap bootleg jeans
+ Cropped cardigan with little birdie applique (from target a few years ago)
+ Black ratty Converse
+ White plastic necklace
+ LOOP NY Andy Warhol Banana Tote

So this is off the subject, but man oh man my skin is feeling dry—and let's not even discuss the dark circles under my poor lil eyes. Any recommendations for skin products? What do you guys use? Do eye cremes even work?? Hmmm. I'd love some recos friends.