I was browsing through my inspiration files and stumbled upon this photo shoot I had saved. It was for Harper's Bazaar and featured Lindsay Lohan and superheroes. Whether you love La Lohan or not, I think we can all pretty much agree that this is a bad ass photo shoot. I mean, The Hulk? Captain America? Love it! As a gossipy aside, in the Batman shot Linds is wearing a supah chic Nina Ricci dress. It's also the same dress that was offered to Sarah Jessica Parker to wear to the Sex in the City premier, like four months later. It became quite the controversial topic because the SITC premier was a super hot photo opp for any designer and SJP was pretty pissed that they didn't tell her the dress had been worn not once, but TWO times prior. Hee. I love fashion.
Photographed by the brill Peter Lindbergh. The guy who played the superhero has a fun Flickr page where he posts Behind the Scenes shots from the shoot.