Friday, July 17, 2009

Vintage Mamas

Nothing makes me smile like vintage photos. The colors and composition are always so other worldly. I also love trying to figure out the backstory, you, what was happening when the image was taken. Occasionally you luck out and someone knows the people in the photo. Check out these great Flickr shots that people have posted of their mamas!

First up....

How gorgeous is this lady?? I love her hair. I love her dress. But more importantly I love the fact that she is on her way to the 1967 GRAMMY AWARDS!!!!!! Aw yeah. I believe her husband was a composer. She's really so dang pretty huh.

But she wasn't the only stylish one in the family. Look at her with her sisters on easter. These ladies are the bomb:

Images from bigbrownhouse

Now check out this lovely lady:

Mmmm, german chocolate cake. As an aside, German Chocolate cake isn't German at all. German was a brand of chocolate (like Hershey's) and they invented the cake!

Images from Tommy and Georgie

I also love this lady's look. She is so quirky and cool. Rockin' in 1970. Dig that frenzy of patterns!

Ahhh, the ol "nap and smoke," as her son called it.  Heh.

Images from bryanscott
And then just for kicks— LOVE these boozin' airplane grannies!!!  HAPPY FRIDAY YA'ALL!!!