Lawwwwwdy! Work is kicking my sweet lil booty these past two weeks. I was there til 1:30am tonight. It's insanely late but I'm so tired that I can't actually sleep. I'm afraid to type too much, because my brain is mush right now, but I wanted to share these charming lil prints with you. I saw them first on my friend Tracy's blog,
Shutterbean. [As an aside, Tracy is an insanely talented cook and if you are looking to be inspired, be sure to check her out! Her food photography is pretty amazing and always makes me want to give the recipes a try.]
So take a gander at this fun animal artwork, created by the lovely
Ryan and Lucy at
Berekely Illustration. I love how proper and suave these little guys are. I'm partial to the gentlemanly racoon, but you pretty much can't beat a Big Cat with an Eye Patch, now can you?

You can buy prints for a very affordable price (as low as 10 smackers!) on their
Etsy Shop. If you had to choose one of these elegant gents, which would be your pick??