Two artists, Lenka + Micha, decided to send a hand written letter/postcard to every single person in the small town of Cushendall. Every single resident got a note. Pretty amazing, if you ask me.
"In April 2009, we sent a personal, handwritten letter to each of the 467 households in the small Irish village of Cushendall. We hoped these unsolicited letters would prompt neighbourly discussion, spreading across the town, promoting community curiosity." — Lenka & Micha
Pretty cool, no? It's funny, on the one hand technology is keeping us more connected than ever before: twitter, facebook, blogs, email, text, IM. Yet it is precisely these things that are keeping us disconnected as well. We have created so many ways to avoid seeing one another (meeting for lunch suddenly becomes less pressing when you've had a juicy IM session). Letter writing is pretty much a lost art form. That's why this project seemed especially cool. What about you guys, when was the last time you wrote a letter? Do you remember?
Images: Mysterious Letters Blog