Friday, August 21, 2009

Kitty Kitty Bang Bang

I'm obsessed with people who are obsessed. I love seeing people who are avid collectors of ONE THING. Or people who are fanatical about something quirky and weird. Like, I'm fascinated by that show Toddler's & Tiaras—the pageant world is INSANE. I also loved the movie Best in Show...a celebration and send up of crazy dog people, that was probably not that far from the truth. But I've never seen anyone explore the world of CAT SHOWS before. Hellllo Dustin Fenstermacher!  This groovy guy is an amazing photographer (be sure to check out his site) but he's also doing this amazing project documenting cat shows. I am in love with these images. Cat Fancy indeed.

Thanks Dustin for giving the thumbs up to this post! xox