This is a truly vintage Style Files....this photo is from last year. "Um Alex, so why are you posting it?? Isn't that kinda breaking the rules?" Hold yer horses my pets, there is a point to all of this I promise!
So, I loved this outfit for a variety of reasons.
+ The dress was the perfect length. It was long enough that I could wear it with bare legs and not worry about looking too hoochie but it was short enough that I didn't feel dowdy.
+ The dress and sweater are vintage (thrifted) which always things feel special. Bargain prices! Amazing patterns! What's not to like?
+ I love cardigans and finding a short sleeved GREEN cardy had me doing cartwheels.
+ I wore this outfit when I met Fergie the first time (yes, the humpolicious Dutchess—she spells it wrong on purpose. Not sure why?) and she told me I looked cute. Whoo hoo!
+ The shoes are sassy but actually soooo comfortable. No really. They are Aerosoles and I could truly walk for hours in them.
+ The necklace is a groovy fluorescent "cameo" pendant that Greg got me. It's so cute and cool. I love it.
+ The bag is an authentic Louis Vuitton that I scored at a thrift store. It has a busted zipper which was why I think it was discarded, but I love it!
Alas, this is where the story takes a sad turn. My favorite sassy summer outfit no longer exists. I wore the dress when I was flown up to Portland for a job interview (loved Portland!) and accidentally left it in my hotelroom...I didn't realize this until weeks later and the dress was long gone. Waaah! A few weeks ago the necklace that Greg gave me broke. I reglued it, but the charm keeps popping off. Waah! And now the shoes, the comfy cute yellow strappy loves, were peed on by our obnoxiously adorable cat Tuxie. DOUBLE WAAAAH!!!! (the cat has a major shoe fetish, loves rolling around on my shoes....I just discovered yesterday that he peed in my closet and now five pairs of shoes are grody and stinky.....not fun!!)
I know it's silly to mourn an outfit, but I do miss that little dress. It's weird how sentimental we get about our clothes. Have you ever lost a treasured item? What was it?