For starters, I had a reeeeally crazy work week (1:30 am anyone???) and our house was broken into. Say what? YES. Some idiot(s) broke one of our windows and climbed inside...thankfully our house alarm went off and scared them, so nothing was stolen, but it was such a violation. Blech. Not too fun. To top it all off, we were all supposed to go down to San Diego this weekend for the amazing Tiki Oasis and were unable to attend. (My amazing friend Doe and her hubs Otto throw this event every year and if you ever get the chance to go, you really should. It's full weekender of vintage tiki maddness—bands, tiki master classes (The Art of Tiki Mixology, lectures by Modern Day Tiki Master Bosko, The Devil-Ettes....I was weeping that I couldn't go!).

So needless to say after allllll of that jazz, I was definitely looking forward to finding a little time to relax. I started things off Friday night with my awesome pal Kelly. We had a super tasty meal of chicken sopes, in my old Mission hood at the Velvet Cantina (including insanely strong watermelon margaritas) and then we were off to see Mortified at The Make Out Room.
Oh. My. God. Twas radical, I tell you. People get up and relive their most embarrassing junior high moments by reading from their original diaries, journals and letters. So hilarious and cringe-worthy.
Saturday I had to work a bit but then we went to a little gathering for incoming kindergarteners (I can't believe Wolfie is going to be in kindergarten!!). I mean look at this...he looks like he's a teenager. Don't grow little boy!! (This is at a vintage shop, not our house...though I love that couch! And clearly so does Sir Wolfgang who made himself right at home with his Leapster...)
The weather was amazing all day and we spent some time in the garden planting flowers and checking out the veggies that Greg planted for us (squash, tomatoes, strawberries, carrots and pumpkins that will hopefully bloom by October!).
That night we had a fun BBQ with some friends and then went to check out the "Movie Under the Stars" nite at a sweet little local park (Kung Fu Panda never looked so charming or romantic my friends!). We brought blankets and snacks and snuggled up on the lawn. Really fun.
Sunday we went out for brunch and were walking around and saw the SPCA's puppy & kitty set up (they bring out a selection of sweet animals out to encourage adoptions). They had tons of gorgeous kitties but I fell in love with a sweet lil puppy and was thiiiiisssss close to adopting her. Oh lordy was she ever a bundle of cuteness. Part German Sherpherd and part rottie....oy, what a doll. I even filled out the application, but by the time we came back....she and her sister had been adopted. Waaah. My birthday is August 22 and I have dropped some major hints that a pound puppy (or dog) might be just the thing!
I hope you had an amazing weekend too. What did you guys get into??